FFLG approach blend with government agriculture extension programs in Zanzibar
By Mbusa Mwirima James, KOFLEC
During the 4th international learning visit organized by KOFLEC, Nia Safi FFLG located in Dunga Kiembeni village, central district of Zanzibar hosted the learning. This FFLG has 12 members (4 male, 8 female). It was established in 2020 as a Village Savings & Loans Association (VSLA). It was registered in 2021. The group started training with UWAMWIMA in 2021.
Main Activities
The main activities of the FFLG include nursery bed management and production of seedlings of various horticultural and other crops; and production of horticultural crops including okra, tomatoes, onions, green pepper, amaranthus (dodo), and egg plants. Other crop enterprises include nursery beds of coconuts, coconut plantations by individual members, and savings & loans scheme. The land on which the group farm sits was provided by a well-wisher from the community who also gave the FFLG a community hall in which they hold their activities and meetings. The FFLG uses drip irrigation technology. Water for irrigation is from a deep well and is pumped using an electric pump. When power goes off, like had reportedly been the situation for several days during the learning visit, the pumping of water is greatly disrupted. Crops are watered by drip irrigation.
Through UWAMWIMA’s support the group has been able to address most of the pressing challenges faced by the members and the entire community.
In 2023 the group harvested and sold about 50 boxes of tomatoes from which it realized profit of over TShs 2.5 million. The FFLG sells its produce to individual buyers, hotels, local market, and to tourists. The group has in recent years registered increased sales with more profitable so much so that about 80% of the products they produce are deemed profitable. The group operates its own bank accounts through which it receives payment for its produce.
From the savings and sales proceeds the group has set up a welfare scheme for its members. From this scheme the group contributes about TShs50,000/- in a week which it hands to each member in a rotation system.
The government of Zanzibar and some individual political leaders sometimes can support the group with extension advisory service, and training especially by the retired extension scientists.
The accrued benefits of belonging to the FFLG include: improved household incomes, better knowledge about organic farming and agro-ecology systems, and access to finance (revolving loans.
As the group members age the group is admitting the youth. So far the group has been joined by 11 youths (3 male, 8 female) to replace those who age, are dismissed due to indiscipline, and failure to abide by the group’s core values. The group has integrated children within its activities.