About the Organic FFLG Center
The Organic FFLG Center, Kilimo Organic Farmer Learning Centre (KOFLEC) is established as a part of the Program “Empowerment of small-scale farmer families through resilient democratic rural organizations, organic agriculture, market access and advocacy”.
The Program is implemented by Caritas Kampala, Uganda Rural Development and Training program (URDT), Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM), UWAMWIMA and Organic Denmark 2020 – 2023.
Learn more about KOFLEC, the FFLG-approach and program partners in the below video.
Our vision is to be an informed base of organic farmer facilitators delivering innovations for dignifying livelihoods of organic farmers and consumers.
Our mission is to provide practical innovative solutions in space and time at the different scales of organic production, marketing and governance of the organic sector.
Our objectives are to co-create knowledge on organic farming, organic markets and governance of food systems in response to the global livelihood systems dynamics; to provide a platform for harmonized fast information sharing and experiential learning exchange among organic farmer facilitators and to create a mass of informed organic farmers confidently advocating for the organic sector.