The Organic Farmer Family Learning Group Center
This site provides a learning platform for Farmer Family Learning Groups (FFLGs), facilitating access to information and experiences on practicing organic agricultural farming methods, collectively improving market access for organic produce and advocating for the rights of small-scale farmer families practicing organic farming. The site contains practically applicable information on relevant topics within these areas related to organic small-scale agricultural farming in rural areas of Uganda and Tanzania, market access, collective marketing and sales of organic farm produce at local markets and farmer advocacy aiming at improving conditions for small-scale organic farmers.
The Organic FFLG Center, registrered as Kilimo Organic Farmer Learning Centre (KOFLEC), is established by Organic Denmark and Program partners in Uganda and Tanzania as a central platform to gather information relevant to FFLG training. As the number of FFLGs has grown in number, capacity and regional spread, harmonization of key principles of learning, joint action, innovation and localization is required through the establishment of Organic FFLG Center to maintain the core of the FFLG approach and provide easier access to relevant FFLG information and training materials.